Author: Dany Sirene
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Release Date: January 4 2012
This book was: review request by the author.
Give-away with kind permission of the author
This is the summary off the back of the book.
Fire demiurge Lau had it made until the Mother Goddess banished him for his cruel treatment of humans. Now he’s stuck in a mortal life, trying to cope without his powers—mainly by partying hard and seducing anything with a heartbeat.
Then he meets Jesse Warner
College student Jesse is new to Montreal. Out from under his parents’ thumbs for the first time, he can’t wait to begin to discover who he really is. He has no idea what’s really at stake when he falls in love with the former demiurge... until a powerful being with a grudge shows up, ready to destroy them both
And the winner is........
a Rafflecopter giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway
The winner has been emailed and the e-book sent. Thank to everyone who entered and I hope you will enter next months give-aways!!