As I have read all 3 books in this series I decied to review them all in one post. So here is Andrew Grey's Range series the books so far.

Author: Andrew Grey
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Release Date: 20 September 2010
This book was: My own e-book
This is the summary off the back of the book.
After a year in medical school, Dakota Holden returned home to take care of the family business full time and help his father cope with multiple sclerosis. Devoted to his family, Dakota allows himself just one week of vacation a year, which he spends in some exotic location having all the fun he can stand. On his last vacation, a cruise, Dakota struck up a friendship with Phillip Reardon, and it fills an important role in Dakota's life. So when Phillip decides to take Dakota up on his invitation to visit the ranch, Dakota is happy to see him and meet his veterinarian friend, Wally Schumacher. Despite Wally's inclination to help the wolves Dakota's men shoot to protect the cattle, he and Dakota find they have a lot in common, including a fierce attraction. But they'll have to decide if the Wyoming range is big enough for Dakota's cattle, Wally's wolves, and their love
This is what I think of the book.
This is the first book in this series and introduced us to Dakota and his father.
If I am honest I have to admit to falling a little bit in love with Dakota and his ranch. Watching things progress with Wally made me smile and I liked that Wally had a real spitfire personality. Dakota's father plays a big part in this story and I really loved that we got to see him and get to know him as an important part of the tapestry of the ranch. Very often characters that are ill get put on a back burner and are used for sympathy value only but Mr Grey had given him a real voice and I hope he stays with the series for a long time to come!!

Author: Andrew Grey
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Release Date: 25 March 2011
This book was: My own e-book
This is the summary off the back of the book.
The neighboring Holden and Jessup ranches are anything but neighborly—Jefferson Holden and Kent Jessup loathe each other. But despite his father’s long-held grudge, Haven Jessup just can’t bring himself to hate, especially after Dakota Holden takes him in during a violent storm and Haven meets Dakota’s friend, Phillip Reardon.
Phillip accepts Haven for who he is, seeing through the mask Haven uses to hide his attraction to men, but their tentative and secret relationship will be under a huge amount of stress. Sabotaged fences, injured animals, unsavory plans, and Jessup family secrets will threaten Haven’s new found happiness and his hopes of a future with Phillip.
This is what I think of the book.
This is the second book in this great series. I have to say I love these stories set on a range there is something very comforting about the wide open spaces and tough men falling in love. I this one you have 2 men trying to get away from their lives, both for different reasons but the effect is the same. It was a real treat to watch both of the men open up and accept being loved.
If I am honest reading these book is making me want to go horse riding again and I think that is what I like most about these books, and a lot of Andrew Grey's books, is that I get to go riding vicariously through his characters. I seriously hope there will be lots more books in this series and his other Farm series!!

Author: Andrew Grey
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Release Date: 9 January 2012
This book was: An ARC from NetGalley and was free in exchange for an honest review.
This is the summary off the back of the book.
The last thing Liam Southard expects when he flees his abusive father is to be taken in by a couple of gay ranchers. Soon he has a new job and a new perspective on his sexuality, and his life starts to turn around. Then someone pulls a gun on him.
In Troy Gardener’s defense, the gun thing was a mistake. Between his marriage falling apart and living in his uncle's isolated hunting cabin, he's been a little edgy. He wants to make it up to Liam, and once he discovers how much they have in common, he wants even more. But with Liam's father popping in unexpectedly and a mining company threatening the ranch’s water supply, the only guarantee is that life is never going to be boring
This is what I think of the book.
Well yet another fantastic read from Mr Grey. I have to be honest when I first started reading this one I had to double check the title, I though I had clicked on the wrong book, as the prologue was not what I expected, but once I was sure It was the book I thought I carried on and boy am I glad I did. This was on a similar theme to the last one, Troubled Range, but in this one the abusive father stays alive. By the end of the last chapter you need to be out of public view or you, like me, will be getting some very strange looks when you stand up pumping the air yelling YES!!!!!
I don't know where this series is going but I know I will be long for the ride and hope we hear lots more from Dakota and Wally's range maybe we can get some law enforcement in on the act because a uniform would go down very well, it worked in the Farm series and I know they need to stay separate and different but if it was to do with the wolves so it could work?? maybe?? don't you think?? OK so I am reaching and praying Mr Grey had a mind that work just a little like mine!
My Rating for the series so far: