Author: Z.A. Maxfield
Genre: Same sex Contemporary Romance
Part of a series: Yes, Crossing Borders # 1
Publisher: Loose Id, LLC
Release Date: 1 September 2008
This book was: My own e-book
This is the summary off the back of the book.
Tristan's got issues; he knows he does. So when his most recent girlfriend dumps him via messenger, and he can't stop staring at the messenger's cock while he's breaking the news, Tristan figures it's about time he makes some changes. He formulates a foolproof plan to get himself someone who can show him what he's been missing -- until who should crash his little adventure but Officer Michael Truax, the man who gave him a really expensive ticket for boarding without a helmet back when he was in high school.Michael has been trying to catch Tristan for years...to give him a second ticket. Suddenly he's faced with his 'Sparky', all grown up -- and looking to get laid. The habit of protecting him isn't gone completely, but the opportunity is too much to resist. He figures the kid must know what he's getting into, so he takes him home. There, they carry on a cautious dance, only to find out that neither is what the other expected, and that together, they're hot enough to melt glass.
This is what I think of the book.
I got this book on a whim, if I am honest, because it had a cop as one of the lead characters and it is a whim I will happily repeat.
This book had me laughing so much I couldn't see through the tears, my sides hurt and I got some very strange looks from my family. I am not sure it is supposed to be funny but Sparky is so sarcastic and upfront that you cant help but laugh. The thanksgiving day dinner was so funny I had to stop reading because I could not see I was crying with laughter so hard. Having said this you are so carried away with this story that when the fall comes you are just as engaged and I cried like a baby and sat in total silence just praying things worked out. I think I spent to last couple of chapters with oxygen deprivation from holding my breath for so long but it was worth it and I would read this again and happily recommend it to anyone who likes contemporary romance with some red hot scenes and a damn good story to make you feel warm in all the right places!!
My Rating: