Author: Z.A. Maxfield
Genre: Same sex Contemporary Romance.
Part of a series: Yes, St. Nacho's #1
Publisher: Loose Id, LLC
Release Date: 1 April 2009
This book was: My own e-book
This is the summary off the back of the book.
Cooper has spent the last three years running from a painful past. He's currently moving from town to town, working in restaurant kitchens, and playing his violin for tips. As soon as he starts to feel comfortable anywhere—with anyone—he moves on. He's aware that music may be the only human language he still knows. Ironically, the one man he's wanted to communicate with in all that time is deaf.
Shawn is part of a deaf theater group at the nearby college. Shawn wants Cooper as soon as they meet and he begins a determined flirtation. Cooper is comfortable with down and dirty sex, just not people. As far as Shawn is concerned, dirty sex is win-win, but he wants Cooper to let him into the rest of his life as well.
Cooper needs time to heal and put his past away for good. Shawn needs to help Cooper forgive himself and accept that he can be loved. Both men find out that when it comes to the kind of healing love can bring, the sleepy beachside town of Santo Ignacio, "St. Nacho's" as the locals call it, may just be the very best place to start.
This is what I think of the book.
This is a well though out story of self discovery and redemption.
Cooper has been running a long time and to start with you think he has not dealt with his tragic past and that Shawn is going to help him get past it but you find out when he goes home that actually he is in a good place he just need to cut himself some slack. I have to say I didn't like Shawn to start with just because he was pushy and a little arrogant but what kept me reading was the fact that he was very believable and the fact he was deaf was just an incidental thing like his eye colour. Yes they had to come up with ways to bridge the language barrier and that was done with real thought.
Even at the end I was not a fan of Shawn but I did like that he was a regular guy and, unlike a lot of books with a deaf or blind people in them, it was not made into a defining point. This book say loud and clear that being deaf is not a disability but just a fact of life for some people and I like that. I will defiantly be reading more from this author as she write about real people that you might meet and I find that really appealing to my voyeuristic tendencies.(OK too much info lol)
My Rating: