Author: Dany Sirene
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Release Date: January 4 2012
This book was: review request by the author.
Give-away with kind permission of the author
This is the summary off the back of the book.
Fire demiurge Lau had it made until the Mother Goddess banished him for his cruel treatment of humans. Now he’s stuck in a mortal life, trying to cope without his powers—mainly by partying hard and seducing anything with a heartbeat.
Then he meets Jesse Warner
College student Jesse is new to Montreal. Out from under his parents’ thumbs for the first time, he can’t wait to begin to discover who he really is. He has no idea what’s really at stake when he falls in love with the former demiurge... until a powerful being with a grudge shows up, ready to destroy them both
This is what I think of the book.
I really wasn't sure how this story was going to work, Lau is reprehensible in the start of this story and has some terrible things happen to him and in turn does some horrendous things to others, leaving me thinking how in the hell can he be redeemed.
But the story does work and I found myself liking Lau by halfway through the book.
I think what makes this story work is that Lau is not looking to be redeemed he is not looking for forgiveness or love he is just looking to survive anyway he can, and it is not pretty. I also liked the fact the Jesse was not trying to save Lau from his life but just acepted how Lau made his rent and wanted to be with him inspire of advise to stay away.
This story is stark and in places really ugly but that is its beauty and why it is so good. It is not afraid to show you the ugly face life shows some people and it makes no apology for it. If you are looking for hearts and fluffy bunnies this is not the book for you, but if you want a story with real grit and believability in its emotional depth then read this book and fall in love with a really talented author.
My Rating:

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