Author: Lara Adrian
Genre: Paranormal Romantic Suspense
Part of a series: Yes, Midnight Breeds #10
Publisher: Random House Publishing Group
Release Date: 24 January 2012
This book was: A Library book.
This is the summary off the back of the book.
In the dark of night, a blood war escalates within the hidden world of the Breed. After existing in secret for many long centuries, maintaining a fragile peace with the humans who walk beside them unaware, a single act of retaliation has put the entire vampire nation at risk of discovery. It falls to the Order—a cadre of Breed warriors pledged to protect their own and humankind alike—to stop Dragos, the power-mad vampire at the center of the conflict, before his push for domination can explode into catastrophe.
At the center of the Order’s quest is Sterling Chase, once a morally rigid enforcer of Breed law, now a warrior fallen from grace, whose biggest battle is the one he wages against his own savage nature. With addiction beckoning him toward eternal darkness, Chase’s path to redemption has never seemed more out of reach—until he finds himself drawn to a beautiful young woman who may be something much more than she seems . .
This is what I think of the book.
I have read all of these books and loved every single one of them and this one is no different.
This one is not only a tie up of the story but the opening for the next 2 books. This one a little more complex then the others as the war with Dragos is coming to its conclusion and wow what a conclusion!! I will admit I did not see the end coming, I knew it had to be big because it had been a long road to get to here but WOW.
Chase is the focus of this book and we have seen him spiralling down since he showed up in the story and at the end of the last book he had gone completely off the rails and as a last effort to keep the Order safe gave himself up as the proverbial sacrificial lamb. This book carries on straight from there and here we meet Tavia, this is a story of redemption and faith and is one I couldn't put down and I have to say if this series had not been picked up for 2 more books this one would have been a fitting end to a fabulous series. It will be very interesting to see where it will go and if we get not only Kellen and Nathan's story but Mira's too, and I don't want to put any spoilers in so I will just say I hope we learn more about the whole Breedmate thing too!!
** Lara Adrian had kindly sent me a promotional copy of the first book in this series, Kiss of Midnight, and some other Midnight Breed goodies that I will be giving away in July to celebrate my birthday. So I would like to say a big Thank you to Lara Adrian for doing this!!**
My Rating: