Author: Z.A. Maxfield
Genre: Same Sex Contemporary Romantic Suspense.
Part of a series: No
Publisher: Loose Id
Release Date: 24 November 2011
This book was: My own e-book
This is the summary off the back of the book.
A retired marine, Logan is methodical and conservative. Richard is a liberal pacifist who is pathologically afraid of guns. Yet the minute Logan sets eyes on Richard, his heart turns over like an old car engine and it isn't long before his motor is revved and Richard is in the driver's seat—even if it seems like each man is driving a different car.
Richard Hunter is parenting his grandson, and the kid—Nick—has had it rough. Richard vows nothing will stop him from creating a loving and stable home. Not even a tempting, red-hot relationship with a very attractive man. However, when Richard looks into Logan’s blue eyes it’s tough to stay focused.
It’s never easy to become a family, what with a temperamental eight-year-old, disapproving outsiders, and outright extortion attempts. But when push comes to shove, both Logan and Richard are committed family men who want to make a loving home for a little boy who needs them.
This is what I think of the book.
After reading Crossings Borders by this author I was really looking forward to this one,
It was funny, sweet and a real treat. I loved Logan's spirit, he is a military man and the fact he is taking advantage of the fact he no longer has to hide who he is. The relationship between Richard and Nick was wonderful but I think the best part was the fact that neither Logan or Richard were stuffy or boring, they had fun and the strip scene just had me in fit, yes you did read that right!! This drew me in so when things were coming together and becoming a team it was touching and heart warming but when it went wrong it was heart wrenching and hard to read. This was a story that showed that older people can still have fun relationships and be a bit silly and sexy and for me that was the best bit because these men were in my age group and I don't feel old and this story say loud and clear that love can be fun no matter what age you are, what's not to love about that!!
My Rating: