
Monday, July 16, 2012

Review: Blood Of A Leo by Dawn H. Hawkes

Title: Blood Of A Leo
Author: Dawn H. Hawkes
Genre: Same Sex Erotic Paranormal Romance.
Part of a series: Yes, Solomon's Pride #1
Length: 158 pages
ISBN/ASIN: 1920468129
Publisher: Silver Publishing
Release Date: January 22nd 2011
This book is from: My won e-book collection.
Leo Adams was kidnapped and forced to serve as an unwilling blood donor for a coalition of vampires. One day, he manages to escape it...and straight into the lion-shifter Maddox's life.

Maddox is unsure of what has fallen into his arms, but he knows one thing. He will fight to the death to keep Leo safe.

My Review

Now I have to say this book is just one big yum from start to finish. OK so the start made my skin crawl but I think that was the point and it made the love story all the more interesting.
Leo treatment in the beginning of the book does kind of set the tone for the series, with the vampires painted as cruel and blood hungry and the shifter as dominant but fair. We get to see quite a few of the shifters and I have to say I am looking forward to Sol's story, that should be a doozie. This promises to be a really good series with a strong sub plot to keep us coming back for more for some time to come. I know I for one bought into the world and want to know what happens next!!

My Rating:


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1 comment:

  1. Great review indeed! I just wonder if the lead characters here ever came to a point of using Vibrators in their sheer and queer quest for erotica in the story. Pretty interesting to find out once I get a hold of the book. Cheers!


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